Monday, November 25, 2013

My Dating Contract

 As I was going through my room cleaning as I sometimes tend to do. I came across an old crumpled piece of paper that was labeled "Contract for Dating". It was a contract I had drew up when I was tired of talking to guys and nothing ever came out of it. So I told myself if I was getting the same  results maybe I needed to try something different to get new results. So I made something called a dating contract which would give me guidelines to dating. Now, you are probably wondering was this a good idea? Well, I honestly don't know because I never had anyone I saw long enough to use it on, ha ha!
   However, in general I think it is a great idea to go into any dating situation with rules and standards that you live by so you will not be so quick to fall for the okey doke based upon how you may be feeling at the moment. I mean think about it, what if you go out on a first date with a guy and you guys began kissing after the date and one thing leads to another and you wind up in bed with a guy that could have been a potential prospect but is now a mere one night stand because you had NO self control! 
  Now I'm not saying that nothing can come out of a date where sex happened on the first date because I'm sure in some instances there were exceptions to the rule and it did work out. However, since I deal mostly with reality and not with fictional romance movies on the ABC channel I'm going to just say please  don't try that at home and expect to find your future husband that way.  
  Sometimes, even if you feel the chemistry strong and the passion lurking and you just want to give it all up just say to yourself if he likes me he will call me after tonight and there will be other dates. 
 If he does not call you again,won't you be glad you didnt give in and put less undeserving guy walking around with a part of you....30S&S...signing off .....

My Dating Contract 
1. No kissing on first date 
2. No home visits until at least date 6 
3. After calling and leaving a message no more calls until he has returned your call. 
4 No inappropriate conversations 
5. No sexting 
6. You get the point!!!

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