Tuesday, October 15, 2013

They called her "Boobina"....

Sunday morning as i was scrolling down my facebook news feed, i read some heart breaking news. A dear friend of mine had lost her battle with Leukemia. She was not just any friend but she was a special friend, the thing that made her so special to me is that we shared the exact same name "Eugenia Jennings" and even the same date of birth 08/02. How crazy is that right? The only difference with that is my friends and family call me Gena and they called her "Boobina". 
       I did not meet Eugenia at school, church or through a mutual friend. She found me on facebook. She was thrilled to find someone who shared not only her whole name but her date of birth as well. When she reached out to me on facebook and we got aquainted she asked me to google her and then get back to her and tell her what i thought about her story. Unsure of what i would find and who this woman was i did as she asked and i found a very sad story that bought tears to my eyes. Even though we shared the same name and date of birth, we shared a very different past. Eugenia, also known as Boobina had just been released from prison after President Barack Obama commuted her sentence. Eugenia aka Boobina was sentenced to 22 years back in 2001 for distributing crack cocaine. Had President Barack Obama not commuted her sentence Eugenia would have served 17.9 years in prison for 13.9 grams of crack. ( i know crazy right) 
     Now what many did not know about my dear friend (may she rest in peace) is that she was abused as a child and the system could not and did not protect her but when she turned to the only thing she knew to provide for her young babies a child still herself the system quickly made it a point to lock her away for most of her life. With no regards of the environment or abuse that she was subdued to by no choice of her own. She was given a sentence most convicted murderers who plead guilty will never see. 

    Being that  Eugenia was sentenced as a career offender even though her prior offenses were minor drug offenses it was hard to get her sentence lessened. 
      While in prison Eugenia stopped smoking, took a 100 hour residential drug treatment program. Earned a diploma as an electrician and had many other accomplishments as well. She later applied for clemency and President Obama commuted her sentence to essentially time served. Upon getting out of prison Eugenia was in the hospital where she was getting treatment for Leukemia and when i would check in with her she would be in great spirits and she knew Jesus Christ as her personal savior. 
      Upon receiving her sentencing from the judge years ago 2001, the judge made a point to tell Eugenia that "he was not mad ar her and that all the Government did was kick her behind. He stated that the government was not there when she was abused by multiple people as a child but when she gets a little bit of crack, they are there". He went on to say that "it was not fair and her whole life had been a life of deprivation , misery and whippin's and its not fair". 
     I am here today to say, Boobina your life was not in vain....your path was given that GOD could get the glory and he did. You have paved the way for others who have suffered the same injustice as yourself. I'm sorry my friend for the abuse you suffered growing up and i am even more sorry that you missed all of that time with your babies and loved ones. I am so sorry for all the injustice you suffered in this crazy judicial system. 
     God chose you to have this incredible testimony because he knew you could handle it and handle it with a smile on your face and in good spirits. 
     Thank you my friend, I called her Eugenia Jennings but they called her "Boobina"