Thursday, October 3, 2013

"I got legs"

                Is being sexy a sin????

I know ya'll think I'm crazy but seriously is it wrong to be saved and want to slip that lil black dress or skinny jeans on when you step out to the store or a night out with the gals. 

Hey, I'm single and I want to attract attention, I am not even going to lie. If I see a cute guy in Walmart and he doesn't even noticed I'm next to him in the check out line, then it's time to put the fat girl snacks back on the shelf. Get rid of the jogging pants with the holes in between the thighs. Take the ponytail out of my hair, lotion and shave my legs. Hey I have legs for a reason! Start acting like I don't want to be single for the rest of my life!!

There is nothing wrong with embracing your feminine side and showing the opposite sex why we rock in a tasteful, classy, sexy and little seductive way!!!

So next time you get ready to go to Wally World with a head rag and ashy legs exposed, think about your future husband who met someone else in the check out line who was on point.....30S&S...signing out....

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