Friday, November 23, 2012

The Morning After...............

Awwww, the morning after all of the cornbread, stuffing, turkey, ham, collard greens, fried chicken, sweet potato pies, must i go on and on......When does it end? Every year we make resolutions to lose the fat and every year we end it the same way, with lots of food and another resolution to try to lose the fat we have packed on to the fat from the year before! You know one thing I certainly know to be true, when i was skinner i never seemed to have so many problems with my self esteem even if i did not have a man. However, I always took for granted my weight when i was healthier and then when i became supersized it was a distant memory like it never was. What's the old saying you always want something you had when it's gone. Well you guys, im tired of pulling out old pictures from college telling people what i use to look like or how i use to have it going on. I'm going to get that back now!! I am tired of being an undisciplined woman when it comes to food. It's just food!! It's not going anywhere it will still be there once you lose the weight and then , maybe we will not  even desire it the same, who knows...wishful thinking....30S&S...signing off.....

YES I CAN!!! ( in my Sherman voice)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

SHB'S ( Single Holiday Blue's)

 To all my single sister's out there that suffer from SHB'S ( Single Holiday Blue's) every year, or maybe this is your first holiday alone in a while.  Just know that just because you are single yet another year, does not mean that you have to sit around the house in your most worn pajama's or favorite Ben & Jerry ice cream. Why not get dressed up and find a holiday party to crash along with other single friends. Or have your own holiday social at your house and tell your friends to invite other friends which can lead to meeting new friends. What about that married friend whose husband has single friends. Or that Co-worker who has a sibling that does not mind tagging alone. You will never know unless you venture out and that means putting the grandma pajama's away for another rainy day and tell Ben & Jerry that it's time for a real man to be your comfort!!!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

30S&S...signing off..........

Treat yourself if no one else does ladies!!!!!!

Doesn't Silence Mean "NO"

Okay, so i just started this online dating thing. Trying to see if it is even worth my time. I work two jobs, a single mom and involved in church so let's just say going out to meet people is just not in my busy schedule like it should be! I signed up on a popular website called Plenty of Fish and actually the fish that I am seeing ain't so bad. However, what i am noticing is that the ones that i am not particularly found of and i dont respond to their emails....they will not swim away, what is this a crowded pond!!!!!! I mean, who does that???? Who continues to write someone who never responded to their first email and then does it for weeks as if we are having a conversation back and forth. " Hey gorgeous"...two days later..."GM baby"....a week later..." How was your day sexy?" Really???? You are that dang desperate that you would continue to have a conversation with someone who has shown you no interest for weeks and it's supposedly a site that says there are all these fish in the sea!!! I want my money back....well actually the site is free but umm really dude, I can most defitnitely see why you are single!Unless there is a psycho salmon in the sea that wants a stalker will most likely continue having conversations with yourself.
30S&S......signing off..................

30 Saved and Single

For those of ya'll that dont know me let me introduce myself. My name is Eugenia but all of my friends and family call me Gena. I am a 30 something year old single mom of a beautiful little girl whom i hold dear to my heart. I am sanctified, saved and filled with the holy ghost. last but not least, I AM SINGLE, and have been for over a decade. I have created this blog to show my struggles with getting back into the dating world after being single for so long and to see if anyone out there is going through what i am going through in this mess we call the dating game. If so please post and share your stories with me and my reader's please. Even if you are married or in a successful relationship i would like to hear some of your horror stories of the past. Along this crazy journey, I am praying that if I keep GOD first, he will surely bless me with my prince charming. Alright.....let the blogging began!!!!!

                             30S&S.....signing off......