Sunday, November 24, 2013

"Ain't Nobody"

I saw a post by one of my Facebook friends about how being in love was so cool. He talked about how holding the person was more fulfilling sometimes than the sex. How having someone there to talk to joke with and pray with is so great. I was really move by this young mans post because he focused on the majors and most people focus on the minors . The thought of laying in your loved ones arms having pillow talk all through the night off and on. Laughing with him with your inside jokes when you are in together or out  in public. Laying on the couch together wrapped into each other watching a movie, where you find your self asking a lot of questions as if he has seen the movie before. Having someone you can actually call when you have a flat tire or car trouble and don't know what to do or who to call while you are scrolling down your phone list of friends. Having someone to call first when something great or bad happens instead of sharing the news with people who could care less. 
  Having someone who wants to come by just to see you even if they are so tired from work they just fall asleep on the couch lol. 
   Those are the things that are sweet about love to me. However, nowadays everyone is looking for love because they are ready to have all this crazy sex with the man with the biggest.......that they have daydreamed about forever.They are looking for the tallest man with the most money and the nicest car. A guy that will buy them nice things to flaunt in front of their friends and send them flowers to show the whole world. Someone who is perfect, who probably never passes gas unexpectedly or burps out loud or ever has funky breathe, lol.
  That's the idea of love most people have. What I'm saying is I realize love will be great but I know it will not be perfect because no one is perfect but God. So ladies if you meet a good man who has minor flaws. Please focus on the majors and not the minors because "ain't nobody" but God perfect and yes I said "ain't nobody"!!!!!.....30S&S....signing off....

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